Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here's to Margaret!

Congratulations, Mar, you are almost rounding third headed for home base! Baby showers... dreaded by some enjoyed by others. I think everyone really enjoyed Margaret's baby shower today. Despite the postponement due to snow and the goof up on the celebrity baby name match game (hey- a 5 month preggo should not be in charge of games!) everything went well. From the organic cake to the Shirley Temples the food was tasty and the company was a lot of fun. Kerry did an amazing job organizing and pulling it off with a bang. Margaret, we can't wait for baby Madeline to arrive. You and Jeremy are going to be wonderful parents. This time next year we will be meeting at the park with our strollers in tote! Stay tuned... tomorrow is a big milestone... will baby Hooper be a boy or a girl?
Pictured here: Hope (20 weeks), Margaret (32 weeks), baby Austin (4 weeks) and new Mommy Michelle.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Guess Baby Hooper's stats and features

Take a guess at what baby Hooper will look like and when he/she will be born. There will be a prize for the person that guesses most accurately. Of course, you'll have to wait another 20 weeks to know.... you can join us in the waiting now!

I can't wait to see your responses. I know there are some pretty competitive folks in this crowd so bring on the baby pros!

Friday, April 10, 2009

April will be gone before we know it!

Just a quick entry to let everyone know that we are doing well. Baby Hooper must be getting bigger, because mama sure is. [See photo taken at 18 weeks] I am starting to feel some fluttering movements that I can only assume is the baby moving. It is exciting, but I always wish it would happen again so I can be sure.

April is a busy month for us. I've already managed to forget my brother in law's birthday... .Sorry, David. Your card is in the mail! I am hosting a baby shower and hosting book club this month in addition to wrapping up the Junior League year as an advisor. This is the busy time helping the members in my region make sure they completed their requirements. On top of that I'm staying somewhat busy with my real job... I am working with 3 home sellers and at least a half a dozen home buyers - some that are serious others that are not sure what they are doing. That tax credit for new home buyers is amazing and I hope everyone you know is taking advantage of that along with the record low interest rates. April 20th we will find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. Once we know this, the real preperation begins! Finally, I will wrap up the month with a trip to Atlanta to see my dear friend Wendy.
Eric is still saving lives and being our hero. He is really keeping busy with his new business Rock Solid Bobcats and has more business than they know what to do with. He's built a retaining wall in our yard that looks really great! [see photo below of Eric playing in the dirt] Now, we just need some sod and trees and we'll finally have a yard that is enjoyable to someone other than Jax! Speaking of furbabies, Jasper is really enjoying the new items that are coming to the household for the baby. He is pretty sure they all belong to him. [see photos below of Jasper claiming the glider and stroller] These photos were completely unsolicited. Jasper made his way on his own. Jax and Jasper only have a little over 4 months to remain the favored dependents... then their world will change! Until next time... we love ya'll!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"What day of the week or time of the day is typically best for you?"

Well, typically, this has been an easy question to answer most of my adult life. Especially the last 5 years being self employed and truly beating to the sound of my own drum. When I was asked this question today, referring to an appointment that was to be set 6 months from now for a dental cleaning, I was stumped. Really stumped. I have no idea, truthfully. Six months from now life will be entirely different. How do I possibly plan for a life that I know nothing about?

My life with a baby somewhere around 6 weeks old suddenly flashed in front of my eyes. For the first time ever, I found myself considering nap time, feeding time, fussy time... what ever else we have to learn when it comes to having a baby in the household. I mean we cannot just tell him or her to be a good boy or girl and take care of the house like we tell Jax and Jasper [the furbabies] when we leave. I've been up to my eyeballs in research on car seats, strollers, cribs and diapers. What I really need to know is how exactly does one manage the transition from being an individual that easily makes decisions based simply upon herself to being the most important thing in a person's (a very little person's) life? The one person (two including Daddy) that is critical for survival for this tiny being that I am now carrying?

I trust that it will fall into place and we will learn as we go as many before us have. I am thankful that both Eric and I have flexible schedules so that we can be back up for each other in the parent duties. Teamwork. That is what it will take. I must continue to have clean teeth after all. So, I checked Eric's schedule and I settled for a 2 p.m. appointment on 10/21. I figure that even if we don't figure it out until that day, 2 p.m. should give us enough time to figure it out by the afternoon. Eric, put it in your calendar- this could be your first day to be on "Daddy Duty".